We are now in our groups, and will be making a documentary on death and people's relationship with it. We plan to get interviews with a variety people to describe their relationship with death or an experience with it, we'd especially like people from professions that work closely with death (e.g. nurses, veterans, funeral directors) as they will have a different perspective on death to someone who is not so close to it so often.
Here is our SWOT analysis:

We've prepared some question ideas for interviews together:
General Questions:
What is your name, age and pronouns?
What was your first experience with death/ grief?
When did you experience your first death and how has that affected you?
How did you perceive death as a child?
What is death to you?
Are you afraid of death/dying? Why?
Do you feel that your job/employment has impacted your view on death? And how?
Do you feel that your upbringing /and/or religion has an impact on your relationship with death?
Has death changed how you live in any way?
Do you feel that death is something that should be talked about or avoided? And why?
What does grief feel like to you? Metaphorically or literally?
How has the death of others made you think about your own mortality?
Family/Friend Death Questions:
What was your experience with death (whether a first experience with death or a death that stays with you)
Who was it you knew who died? What was your relationship with them?
How did you feel about them when they were alive, did this change when they died?
What was your reaction to their death?
How did the death affect those around you?
Did the death change how you live in any way?
Can you think of any positive outcomes to their death, directly or indirectly e.g. the person stopped suffering, or people were brought closer to each other through grief/shared experience
Does anything now always remind you of that time or that person?
Specific Questions:
Funeral directors:
Have you noticed any trends in funerals? Like flowers? Types of burials?Types of Cremation?
Are you used to being around dead people? Are you desensitised to it?
Does working in a job surrounded with death make you think about your own mortality?
Has doing burials made you think about how you want your funeral?
Nurses/Doctor/medical staff:
Are you used to being around dead people? Are you desensitised to it?
Does working in a job surrounded with death make you think about your own mortality?
Have you ever had to tell someone their friend/family has died? And what was that like?
War/Army veterans:
How has being in a war/army situation changed your views on death?
Have you witnessed death?
How did you deal with being so close to danger and the risk of death for a long period of time?
Did others deal with this differently?
How does working with human remains affect your views on death?
Do you find that others are averse to your profession because of its relationship with death and the dead?
Police :
Have you ever experienced a murder? If so, what was the first experience like?
Do you get used to cases like this?
Before we ask record any interviews, however, we need to make a consent form to ensure that we don't cause any ethical or moral dilemmas that could occur whilst making the documentary.
Now we need to start getting actively involved in pushing the film's progress further, starting with getting our interview audio, here is our Gantt Chart to show the ideal progress we'll make through the project til the hand-in on 7th December:

As we wait to get the audio in from the interviews we'll be making test animations too. sentences of our own thoughts on death to experiment with style and method. Instead of making the film in one constant style we're planning on making the film in multiple styles, changing with each experience. Doing these tests will help us with establishing which styles work with our concept quickly, as they will only be a sentence long.